matthew 6:12 As We Forgive Those That Sin Against Us

As We Forgive Those That Sin Against Us

Forgiveness is free yet there is one condition. That condition is that we forgive others. It’s not that often talked about in the church but Jesus himself said it. The Lord’s prayer says, “forgive us our sins, as we forgive those that sin against us” – Matthew 6:12. Infact, it’s the only part of the […]

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forgive us our sins

And Forgive Us Our Sins

The most important crucial part of being a Christian, is being forgiven. Without forgiveness, we have no relationship with God, we are eternally separated from Him, which is the basically hell. If everything good comes from God and we are separated from Him, then what’s left is everything bad. This issue is so important, that […]

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give us this day our daily bread matthew 6:11

Give us this day our daily bread

I have four quick thoughts on this part of the Lord’s prayer. “Give us this day our daily bread” – Matthew 6:11. 1. This prayer is a daily prayer. Don’t just pray this once a week or every now and then. 2. He is our provider. 3. You don’t want to live on yesterday’s bread. […]

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your will be done matthew 6:10

Your Will be Done

I think often when we pray or declare ‘Your will be done’ (Matthew 6:10), we are thinking about what things need to change external to ourselves. Maybe a relationship problem, or a finance need. Maybe praying for someone’s salvation or a political situation. Indeed when we pray, ‘Your will be done’ it has an impact […]

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come the kingdom of you

Your Kingdom Come

There’s a boldness to declaring ‘Your Kingdom Come’. It almost feels wrong, to tell God what to do. Literally translated it is ‘Come, the Kingdom of You!’ I love that. That really feels like a powerful statement that brings transformation and it’s all about God. I do wonder what tangible effect this declaration has in […]

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hallowed be your name

Hallowed be Your Name

Hallowed means holy, sanctified, consecrated. In real life language, hallowed/holy means to be perfect and set aside. Kind of like those plates your mum used to ‘set aside’ for when the Queen came to visit. Interestingly, Jesus didn’t just say, ‘God, You are Holy’. Of course, that is true ….. But He wanted us to […]

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in Heaven

Referring to Father-God in the Lord’s Prayer as our ‘Heavenly’ Father reminds us that He is different than our earthly fathers. It’s hard for many to connect with God as Father, especially those that didn’t have a ‘good’ dad. Perhaps he was absent, or prone to mood swings. Even the best of earthly fathers make […]

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father lords prayer

Our Father

The 2nd word in the Lord’s prayer, ‘Father’ again speaks to how important relationship is. It is true that Jesus used the aramaic word ‘abba’ when referring to Father God. And I have heard it taught (and I’m sure I’ve taught it) that He says ‘abba’ in the Lord’s prayer. It is possible that He […]

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the lords prayer

The Lord’s Prayer

Over the next week or so we are going to do a little dive into the Lord’s Prayer. Found in Matthew 6:9-13 and though we call it the Lord’s Prayer, it’s really ours, as He never sinned. Jesus said to His disciples, “this, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be […]

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