revelation and identity

Revelation and Indentity

Relationship, Revelation and Identity are intertwined more than we often realise.

My identity as a father is connected to the fact that I have kids. It’s my relationship with them that makes me a father.
My identity as a husband, likewise is rooted in the fact that I have an intimate connection with the person that happens to my wife.

Jesus tells Simon that his relationship with the Father brought revelation and in this instance this revelation brought Simon an upgrade in his identity.

From now on, Jesus says, you will be called Peter (Matthew 16:17-18).

Simon, means ‘reed’.
And Peter means ‘Rock’, like a boulder.

Two complete opposite meanings.
One sways in the wind, going this way and then another. Moving with the tide.
And then other, is solid, immovable, dependable.
Something you can build on.

Who does Jesus say you are?
Don’t let others define you, don’t even try and define yourself.
Let Jesus do what He does best.

Why not spend a few minutes praying about who Jesus says you are?