authority and power

Authority and Power

Over the last few days we’ve been looking at Simon/Peter when he acknowledged that Jesus is the Christ.
We’ve also noted from that exchange how …..

Relationship brings Revelation
Revelation influences our Identity
And our Identity is our Authority

And today we conclude noting that …..

Authority gives us Power.

I talk about this in more detail in my book overflow if you would like to go in more depth.

Believers, flowing from their intimate relationship with God ultimately have power (Mark 16:17).

Power to change circumstances.
Power to change themselves.
Power to overcome and so much more.

All in His strength, of course (Colossians 1:29).

Many years ago, I walked past a park that had an unpleasant feeling about it.
I prayed over it, and told any spiritual darkness to leave. All in the matter of a few seconds.

The next day it got demolished and a new park was built for families, over the next few weeks.
I didn’t know that was about to happen. It must of been in planning for sometime.
Still God knew and wanted that park to not only have a superficial face lift but a brand new start spiritually too.

I used to take my kids there regularly after that and for about 6 months I was able to share the gospel in someway to other parents nearly every time I was there.
God used the power of one believer to change that place for the better.

Jesus said to Peter “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven (authority); whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven (power)” – Matthew 16:19.

After giving Peter an upgrade in identity (Simon to Peter), He gave Him Authority and ultimately power.