father lords prayer

Our Father

The 2nd word in the Lord’s prayer, ‘Father’ again speaks to how important relationship is.

It is true that Jesus used the aramaic word ‘abba’ when referring to Father God.
And I have heard it taught (and I’m sure I’ve taught it) that He says ‘abba’ in the Lord’s prayer.

It is possible that He did use the aramaic word ‘abba’ when teaching His disciple this prayer, but the word we have in the text, is actually ‘pater’.

The New Testament uses the word ‘abba’ 3 times (Mark 14:36, Romans 8:15, Galatians 4:6) and uses it next to the word ‘pater’. So in our english Bibles it is written as ‘abba, Father’.

So I would think, that if Jesus used the word ‘abba’ when teaching the Lord’s prayer, that Matthew would of included that for us too. It was important to the writers to include the aramaic word, in the greek translation. And as Matthew was writing to a Hebrew audience, I think he would of especially included it.

Either way, the word ‘abba’ kind of means ‘yes, daddy’. Here’s a very interesting article I found on this.
Perhaps I’ll write more on this another time.

More importantly, today the focus is, that we can have a close, intimate and respectful relationship with God.
He is not just out there, beyond our reach but akin to one of the most special relationships we can possible have in this life.
We only exist because of our ‘Father’ (natural father and Father-God).
We must honour and respect our ‘Father’.
And we know that we are loved, even when we receive discipline (Hebrews 12:7-11).

‘Our Father’ also means we are related. Brothers and sisters in the Kingdom. No cousins or distant relatives, but brothers and sisters.

Fun fact : God has no grandchildren.