give us this day our daily bread matthew 6:11

Give us this day our daily bread

I have four quick thoughts on this part of the Lord’s prayer.

“Give us this day our daily bread” – Matthew 6:11.

1. This prayer is a daily prayer. Don’t just pray this once a week or every now and then.
2. He is our provider.
3. You don’t want to live on yesterday’s bread. Bread goes stale real quick.
4. As we’ve mentioned before …. this is a community prayer. When you pray, ‘give us this day our daily bread’, provision come my way too. And vice versa.

A quick side note :
This prayer is not meant to be only prayed word for word.
Sure if you do just that daily, then it will have a great impact on your life.
But this prayer is also a model. A framework, scaffolding a great prayer life and relationship with the King of Kings.
More on that later ….