The most important crucial part of being a Christian, is being forgiven.
Without forgiveness, we have no relationship with God, we are eternally separated from Him, which is the basically hell. If everything good comes from God and we are separated from Him, then what’s left is everything bad.
This issue is so important, that literally half the Bible (New and Old Testament) deals with this issue of forgiveness.
Atonement for sin, the passover lamb, Joseph, Jonah, Jesus (which means God is salvation) and everything Paul writes about.
This is a big deal!
And yet, forgiveness, for us, is free.
Although it cost the very life of the one perfect person, Jesus, it is completely free for us (John 3:16).
If you’ve been a Christian, for a while, don’t ever lose sight of this incredible fact, Jesus died so you can be forgiven and live eternally and to the full (John 10:10).
If you are not a Christian, why not change that today?
It’s free. God just wants you (all of you).
By praying the Lord’s prayer and meaning it, you become a believer, a Christian.
Your life will change as you walk with God. Find a good church and go every week and let the Holy Spirit transform you.
Don’t forget this prayer is communal. Forgive us our sins. When we pray this, we are praying for the salvation of our friends and family too! It’s also a daily prayer.
It’s incredible to think that when Stephen prayed for Saul/Paul’s forgiveness, that perhaps that maybe the reason (or partly) half the New Testament was written by Paul and not someone else (Acts 7:59-8:1).
Tomorrow, we will talk about the one condition to forgiveness. It’s not often talked about, but Jesus said it a few times and so we must too.