the accidental prophet

The Accidental Prophet

Wisdom is understanding that our words matter.
That’s why I wrote about rightly defining words earlier this week and more importantly, it’s why the Bible tells us that “the tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit” (Proverbs 18:21).

Prophecy has two main components to it.

One is to hear from the Holy Spirit.
And two, is to proclaim.

1 Samuel 3:9 Tells us that God did not allow any ‘words’ spoken by the prophet Samuel to not come true.
Not that he always heard right ….
but that God honoured His words.

Of course we are not all prophets and indeed Samuel at that time was Israel’s prophet, but we all do prophesy, to various degrees (Romans 12:6).

In Genesis 1 we learn that God made the world by ‘speaking’. John 1:1-3 affirms that for us.
In Genesis 1:26-27 we also learn that we are made in His image.

It’s reasonable to conclude that we all have some power to create when we speak.
Of course, I don’t mean we can make planets but what we say about ourselves, our families, and even strangers has some kind of power.

“I’m no good at anything” ….. “I can’t” …. “I’m always going to be broke” …. “He’s such an idiot” ….
Declaring these things, doesn’t do you or others any good.

Don’t be an accidental prophet.
Be wise, measured and intentional with what you say.