the fear of the lord is begining of knowledge

Proverbs 1:7

When I think of knowledge or widsom, I don’t generally think about relationship.

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” – Proverbs 1:7

When I read this scripture a few weeks ago, what stood out to me was, that wisdom is connected to a relationship with God.
That knowledge is relational.
I’ve always understood that the fear or reverence part of this scripture is crucially important, but this was a new revelation for me.

It kind of is true that saying, “it’s not what you know, but who you know”.
That’s true about salvation.
Knowing Jesus is my only hope.

It’s true about wisdom too.
When Peter acknowledges that Jesus is the Christ, Jesus tells him how Peter knows this (Matthew 16:13-20).
He (Jesus) says, that this was revealed to him (Simon/Peter) by Father God (Matthew 16:17).
It was his relationship with God that brought Him revelation/understanding.

In my book Overflow, I talk about how a relationship with God, brings revelation, idententy, authority and power. More on that later.