matthew 6:12 As We Forgive Those That Sin Against Us

As We Forgive Those That Sin Against Us

Forgiveness is free yet there is one condition.
That condition is that we forgive others.

It’s not that often talked about in the church but Jesus himself said it.
The Lord’s prayer says,
“forgive us our sins, as we forgive those that sin against us” – Matthew 6:12.

Infact, it’s the only part of the Lord’s prayer, that Jesus commentated on (at least what was recorded for us in the gospels).

He said : “For if you forgive others their trespasses (sins), your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses” – Matthew 6:14-15.

So we are forgiven in the same way we forgive others.
Well now, that’s some serious motivation to forgive.

It doesn’t mean you need to be best friends still. It doesn’t mean you should put yourself in harms way.
You can still have boundaries and maybe even should.

But in your heart you can forgive and move on.
Apart from the massive benefit of your own sin being forgiven,

forgiving others
releases bitterness, anger, and whole lot more.

Often, physical healing comes when we let go of something we have been holding for a long time.