john 5:39

John 5:39-40

“You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life” – Jesus (John 5:39-40)

When reading the Bible we can make two great errors.

The first is to consider it, just a good book. That it’s not divinely inspired (2 Tim 3:16). That you can take the ‘good bits’ and leave behind the parts you don’t like too much.
The second error is to think the Bible is everything. That by reading and studying the Bible, you are automatically right with God.

I have even heard some say they don’t really need the Bible anymore. That they would rather just pray and go straight to God. That’s foolish too.

The Bible is God’s word (more on this in the next few days), so cherish it, study it, meditate on it but if it doesn’t lead you to Jesus, you’re reading it wrong.