matthew 19:26

Matthew 19:26

It is great that you want to guard your heart. Desire, as we are free, is an important aspect of doing/being anything in the Lord.

Yet, I would say, that in your own strength (Col 1:29), guarding your heart is near impossible.
Colossians 1:29 shows us the perfect partnership between our desire and His strength.

If you truly desire to be wise and guard your heart. I would ….

Pray about it, specifically and just generally pray a bit more (this is a huge part of a relationship with God).
Develop your relationship with the Lord (as we’ve already noted). When we care more about Him, than others, or things or dreams we protect our heart from disappointment, pride and a whole bunch of other stuff.

Think more about Him, what He cares about, what He is doing than yourself and what others think (or don’t think) of you.

The context maybe a little different, but I think it is still fitting for today when Jesus said “with men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” – Mat 19:26.

Guard your heart,
In His strength.