your will be done matthew 6:10

Your Will be Done

I think often when we pray or declare ‘Your will be done’ (Matthew 6:10), we are thinking about what things need to change external to ourselves.
Maybe a relationship problem, or a finance need. Maybe praying for someone’s salvation or a political situation.

Indeed when we pray, ‘Your will be done’ it has an impact on those things, but I do wonder if the biggest impact happens inside of us.

When Jesus asked His disciples to ‘ask the Lord of the harvest, to send out workers into his harvest field’ (Matthew 9:37), the disciples probably didn’t think they were praying for themselves. The very next verse sees Jesus calling them together, giving them authority and sending them out!

The pray-ers became the workers!

Perhaps the most important fruit that results from this prayer of ‘Your will be done’ is a change in us.
It’s where, in our hearts we cry out ‘abba, father’ (Yes daddy I’ll do it).